Gather as You Go
Gather as You Go


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How to give 300+ mini-gifts?

Give Gather As You Go – it covers lessons learned about: life, leadership, purpose, family, the toughest of times, celebrations and more.


Why Did I Write This Book

I have had a ton of experiences; I believe I’ve had more experiences of different kinds than a lot of people have. Good things have happened, as well as a bunch of rough stuff, and there are lessons to be learned from each. If I share these “wisdoms,” maybe I can help other people. A lot of the concepts in this book are mine and originated with me; but many are also things I have heard along the way and thought were so smart that I incorporated them into my life and my thinking...Read More

Babies Grow! Shop for the Future

When giving clothes for a new baby, think “older.” In other words, so many people give newborns clothes in the tiniest sizes, newborn to three Read More

Get a Toy, Give a Toy 

Our children always received a lot of stuff for Christmas, birthdays, or just because. Our rule (to try to build generous, giving kids) was if Read More

Embroider It

For the new mom and dad, buy plain cute bibs or soft, cozy receiving blankets—simple ones—and have them embroidered. Make them personal. Use the baby’s Read More

Keeping Memories Alive

When people you love leave this earth, it is incredibly hard. My mom loved to garden and she especially loved the flower called white alyssum. Read More

It’s About Way More Than the Dollars

I have a dear friend who has had a lifetime love of animals, elephants in particular. He is very concerned about wildlife conservation and, with Read More

Building Family Traditions

I have many family traditions I started with my kids, and I’m hoping some will last the test of time for generations to come. Life Read More